Press Release September 15th, 2018
Press Release April 13 2018
Press Release October 14, 2017
BADD TOUR with Marc Mero
Make plans to join us next Tuesday for the "BADD Tour" from the America’s # 1 School Presenter! Marc Mero’s compelling message evokes personal reflection, laughter and tears – and most importantly personal transformation as he presents the topics of bullying, peer pressure, substance abuse and suicide prevention. People are reached at a “heart-level” and are inspired to treat themselves and others with respect, dream big, achieve goals, and cherish relationships.
Jr. High Youth Academy 2017
The Sherman County Sheriff’s Office is excited to announce the opening of the registration for our 2017 Junior High Youth Academy. Come learn about Law Enforcement in a great learning environment while having fun. The Class size is limited so sign up early. Download the application by clicking below or pick up one at the Sheriff's Office.