Welcome to Sherman County Kansas

FAQ's and Forms
At what age does a child have to be in a booster seat?
Kansas law, K.S.A. 8-1344 requires the following: A child under the age of four years must be in a an appropriate child safety restraining system. A child four years of age, but under the age of eight years AND who weighs less than 80 pounds OR is less than 4 foot 9 inches in height, must ride in an approved child passenger safety restraining system. A child eight years of age but under the age of fourteen OR who weighs more than 80 pounds OR is more than 4 foot 9 inches in height, must wear a seatbelt.
How do I obtain a permit?
Go to the Concealed Carry page to see all the information and links pertinent to the concealed carry laws.
Opportunities & the process?
Check the Employment page for a copy of the application and other forms that will be required throughout the interview process. All open positions will be listed on this page as they are available also.
Can I obtain fingerprints for employment?
The Sherman County Sheriff’s Office can take fingerprints for an individual if they bring in their own fingerprint card. We ask that you bring all the information in with you that needs to be sent in with the fingerprint cards due to new rules and regulations our office has to send them in ourselves. We fingerprint for applications for nurses, student teachers, substitute teachers, parents wanting to adopt, concealed carry applicants, real estate agents, and numerous other jobs. We ask that you call ahead of time just to make sure we have a Detention Deputy available to print. Printing hours are the same as office hours. Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm MST.
When can I report someone as missing?
Missing/Runaway Juveniles: The parent or guardian of any juvenil e (under 18 years of age) may file a missing person-runaway juvenile report at any time. These reports will be immediately entered into the NCIC law enforcement database, which would serve to alert any officer from any jurisdiction having contact with the juvenile that he or she is listed as missing or a runaway. Radio notification will be made to all officers on duty. Deputies will also follow-up on any leads provided by the parent/guardian as to the possible location of the juvenile.
Missing Adults: Any person eighteen (18) years of age or older is considered to be an adult with full freedom of movement and liberty. Exceptions would include persons 18 years of age or older who remain under the legal guardianship of another adult or protective services. Deputies will take reports of missing adults at any time. The extent of any follow-up will depend upon the circumstances of the disappearance. For example, if evidence indicated that the missing person was endangered or may have been forcibly abducted, deputies would immediately begin following up on leads. If the missing person simply has not been seen recently but no evidence of foul play was found to exist, then our options and responsibilities in those cases are limited under the law and department policy.
How do I get a copy?
Obtaining Copies of Reports and Records: Most Sheriff’s Office records are public information under the Kansas Open Records Act and are available for public viewing. There are several exceptions to this, including reports and paperwork relating to criminal cases remaining open and under investigation, certain personnel records, records sealed/expunged by court order, and records relating to juveniles (under 18 years of age).
Accident Reports: Patrol Deputies prepare reports on traffic accidents they have investigated within Sherman County. These reports are typically filed with the office manager within two (2) days of the date of the accident.
Fees for copies of a report are $2. If there are pictures included there will be an additional fee. To redeem a copy of a report, you can stop by the office and request a copy or send a request in the mail. If you send it in the mail, address it to: Sherman County Sheriff’s Office, Attn: Reports, 813 1/2 Broadway, Goodland, KS, 67735.
If I’m a registered offender and am required to register, what do I need to do?
Register at the Sherman County Sheriff’s Office during normal business hours. Offenders need to bring appropriate court documents or those from probation/parole officers, along with current information on home address, work address, vehicle, license plate, etc. In addition, all offenders are required to pay a $20 fee every time they register or update their registration.
Does the Sheriff’s Office do ride-along?
Yes: you must fill out this ride along form & return to the department. Your application will be evaluated for reasons you request a ride along. Also included in the document is the proper permissions and releases, and evaluation forms for the officer and the participant.
Where can I pay a ticket or fine?
Tickets and fines can be paid in the Sherman County District Court’s Office. They are located at 813 Broadway on the second floor of the court house.
Can the Sheriff’s Office unlock my personal vehicle?
Only in cases of an EMERGENCY, such as a small child being locked inside a vehicle, can the Sheriff’s Office send someone to assist with gaining entry to your personal vehicle. Our deputies do not carry any unlocking tools in their patrol cars, and potential liability for property damage will not allow us to unlock personal vehicles. In non-emergency cases, you would need to call a professional locksmith to assist in gaining entry into your vehicle.
How do I get my vehicle inspected?
VIN inspections are done at the City Police Department at 204 West 11th Street, Goodland.
What are visitation hours at the Bastille?
Video visitation at the Sheriff’s office: The Bastille is open for video visitation on Mondays & Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 p.m. MST. Video visitation at the Sheriff’s Office is free. Visitors must have a picture ID, valid e-mail address, and be at least 18 years of age. All visitors must be signed in before 4:00 pm to be guaranteed visiting time. Please call for confirmation the day you wish to visit to ensure visitation will take place.
Attorney visitation: The Bastille will be open for Attorney visitation during regular business hours.
There will be no visitation when the office is closed in observance of a holiday.
Video visitation outside Sheriff’s office: Video visitation from remote location is open every day between 8:00 am to 11:59 pm MST. You must have an account with www.inmatecanteen.com and the proper equipment.
How can I contact an inmate?
Email: You can contact an inmate through e-mail if you have an account with www.inmatecanteen.com and a valid email account.
Video Visit: You can video visit from your home if you have an account with www.inmatecanteen.com and the proper equipment.
Phone: If you call our office and request to talk to an inmate, we can NOT transfer calls back to their phones. By policy we can NOT give messages either. They have a separate phone system that they have access to where they can call out from. To call out they can either call collect or buy calling cards through the commissary system. Phone cards cannot be brought in from the outside; they will not work on the inmate phone system. Phone cards that are purchased through our commissary system can be used when they get out if there is time remaining on the card. Most commonly an inmate will receive mail if someone would like to get a hold of them from the outside. Incoming mail to an inmate needs to be labeled as followed:
Inmate Name
Sherman County Bastille
813 1/2 Broadway
Goodland, KS 67735
Code Red Alert
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