Notification to citizens, Goodland and Sherman County is experiencing a high volume of scam phone calls right now. It is a variation of one that hits fairly regularly but someone will call saying they are from Publisher's Clearing House or some type of prize patrol or lottery. To collect your prize the suspect will say that you need to go to Wal-Mart, Casey's or some other local store to purchase ...a gift card or Money order to cover some type of fee. The suspect will call back a little bit later to confirm the number on the back of the money order or card and once he does that the scam is over because the suspect can empty that card of money remotely from whatever country they happen to be in. The suspect will have done some research and know that you live in Goodland and also some local businesses where you can purchase the gift card at so I can be fairly convincing. If you ever have any doubt about the validity of an offer please call local law enforcement, and when in doubt trust your instinct. If it sounds to good to be true, it most likely is.