Welcome to Sherman County Kansas

Sherman County Sheriff

Message from the Sheriff

Sheriff Chad Mann

Sherman County Sheriff

Dear Citizens of Sherman County,

As your Sheriff, I am deeply committed to serving and protecting the people of Sherman County. Our community is built on trust, hard work, and the values of helping one another, and it’s these principles that guide the work of my office every day. Whether you live in town or out on the farm, your safety and well-being remain our top priorities. We continue to dedicate resources to prevent crime, respond swiftly in emergencies, and ensure that our law enforcement efforts align with the needs and concerns of the people we serve.

Public safety is a partnership, and I am grateful for the support and vigilance of our citizens. Together, we have made strides in addressing key challenges, including property crime, substance abuse, and community preparedness for emergencies. I encourage everyone to stay informed and involved by participating in neighborhood watch programs, attending community meetings, and sharing your concerns with our office. By working together, we can create an even safer, stronger Sherman County for all.

In closing, I want to express my gratitude for the trust you place in me and my team. Sherman County is more than just a jurisdiction—it’s home. I am proud to live and serve in a community where neighbors look out for one another and where the future remains bright for generations to come. If you ever need assistance or have questions, know that my office is here for you. Let’s continue to work together to protect and preserve what makes Sherman County special.

Sincerely, Chad Mann Sheriff of Sherman County

History of the Bastille

The Sherman County ‘s original Bastille was built in 1887, the same year as the founding of Goodland. It was eventually tore down and rebuilt in 1972 to what we have today.